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Available to tour from mid 2025:

Power & Beauty: Isis, Aphrodite, Cleopatra


The exhibition is the latest in a series of successful international touring exhibitions to explore the Sunken Cities of Egypt’s Lost Worlds. It is an immersive exhibition showcasing the latest underwater archaeologicalevidence of goddesses and queens of ancient Egypt.

Egypt's Sunken Cities: Isis, Aphrodite, Cleopatra is a highlight event resulting from the underwater excavations directed by Franck Goddio, president of the European Institute for Underwater Archeology (IEASM), in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. It focuses on famous and powerful goddesses and queens of antiquity, whose names and legends persist to this day. The exhibition presents original finds from the sunken ancient cities of Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus off the coast of Egypt and the legendary Portus Magnus of Alexandria. The presence of the famous women is omnipresent there in the form of impressive finds ranging from votive figurines and coins to large statues, stone tablets with inscriptions and the remains of temples.

The objects vividly illustrate the history of the cult of the powerful goddess Isis, who was identified by the Greeks with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. They also document the existence of other legendary women who were identified with these goddesses, from Queen Helen of Troy to Queen Arsinoe II and Queen Cleopatra VII

The exhibition uses a spectacle of colour and light and creates, in conjunction with the original objects, photographs, sounds, video, interactive displays and underwater 3Ds, another time and place for an enhanced visitor experience.

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If you would like to host the exhibition at your venue please contact the IEASM via email: