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Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology (OCMA)

In a common effort between the University of Oxford, the Hilti Foundation and the Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM) the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology was established in 2003. As part of the Oxford’s School of Archaeology it provides specialist knowledge for the analysis and publication of the material excavated by the IEASM, it participates in the excavations and organizes academic conferences.

The following symposia were/will be held by OCMA:

Alexandria and the Sea

Online Seminar Series 2021

Religious Landscapes of Egypt - Late to Greco-Roman Period

Zurich 2017

Conference volume

Heracleion in context: The maritime economy of the Egyptian Late Period

Oxford 2013

Cleopatra and the End of the Hellenistic World

Philadelphia 2010

East Meets West along the Maritime Silk Route

Tokyo 2009

Ancient Trade in the Mediterranean

Madrid 2008

Click here for conference volume

Trade, Topography and Material Culture of Egypt’s North-West Delta

Berlin 2006

Click here for conference volume

City & Harbour: The Archaeology of Ancient Alexandria

Oxford 2004

Click here for conference volume