david fabre
8 October 1979 in France
Joined Franck’s missions in 2004
David Fabre graduated in Egyptology from Montpellier University and has participated to numerous archaeological excavations in France and elsewhere the world. Specifically, he collaborated with the French excavation mission in Tanis (Egypt) and directed sectors of the excavations at this site. In his doctoral thesis, entitled The Organisation of Maritime Trade in Ancient Egypt (L’organisation du commerce maritime dans l’Égypte ancienne), he concentrated on maritime trade in ancient Egypt, where he suggested that trade should be considered as one of the fundamental aspects of Egyptian society underpinning its economic, social and legal structures.
This interest led David to join Franck’s team in Egypt in 2004. He is in charge of studying the material on site before the artefacts are transferred to the conservation laboratories or storage. This preliminary analysis allows an inventory of the archaeological material and enables initial interpretations of the sites and the artefacts excavated from them to be made and linked to their historical context. David then writes the mission report that is submitted to the responsible authorities and later prepares the documentation for the specialists in order to help them publish the material and the results of the excavations.
Between 2006 and 2009, he also coordinated the scholarly aspects of the exhibition Egypt’s Sunken Treasures, and edited, with Franck Goddio, the exhibition catalogue (Egypt’s Sunken Treasures, Munich, 2008). David is also the author of Seafaring in Ancient Egypt, Periplus, London, 2004.
For further information about David’s publications see the publication pages of IEASM.