"Egyptian Pharaohs":
Immersive Exhibition in France
Some of the amazing underwater pictures taken during excavations off the coast of Egypt by award winning photographer and IEASM team member Christoph Gerigk are currently presented in the exhibition "Egyptian Pharaohs" at the Atelier des Lumières in Paris. They form part of a fascinating immersive…
20th anniversary of OCMA
Maritime Archaeology at the University of Oxford
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the co-foundation of the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology (OCMA). We are very happy about this long-term cooperation with the University of Oxford and the Hilti Foundation. With OCMA we succeeded in establishing a specialist research project within the…
Now open to visitors:
The Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria
After almost 20 years, the Graeco-Roman Museum of Alexandria is now open again to the public. The IEASM is very happy that a selection of objects recovered during the team's underwater research in Aboukir Bay and the eastern port of Alexandria forms part of the new permanent collection. Visitors…